The Visionary

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I believe that our most incredible visions come from something greater than us. They come from a divine force within who knows our highest path, knows where we are of greatest service and guides us to not only a life of our dreams but also one of massive fulfillment and service. 

While we are never truly disconnected from the visions that Source + our higher self provide. Some of us are missing the clarity, missing the voice, and feeling disconnected from the clarity of our path. 

This program WILL IGNITE that fire within you. The one that makes you get out of bed every day excited to show up to create the reality your inner being has shown you. This program is about bringing this fire back. 

If you're ready to feel on fire. I invite you to join me on a 4 week journey back to your ignited vision. 

Program Details

Week 1: Release the Blocks:

This week is all about releasing the blocks to clarity. We all have them, we all cling to them and this module is all about getting real with yourself about what isn’t serving the life you actually desire so you can create the most beautiful life for yourself.

Week 2: Reconnect to Your Inner Guide + Wisdom:

Your soul always knows your path and your purpose. This module is about reconnecting to your inner guidance system to create massive clarity for the direction you are going in your life, business and relationships.

Week 3: Personal Desire

Do you know that scene in The Notebook where Noah asks Allie, “What do you want”. Well this is the essence of this call. It’s time to finally KNOW what you want. What you desire. What you came here to create. This is about letting yourself want what you want. It’s about honoring that you deserve to have what you want.

Week 4: Highest Good + Co creation

This is bringing it all together. We are finding the intersection of personal desire and being of service to the highest good. This module is about finding fulfillment in our lives. It is also going to give you the tools you need to bring your desires, your visions, your purpose into the physical. Now that you know what you want it’s time to create it.


Program Includes:

∆ One Pre-recorded Group Energy Clearing

∆ 4 Weekly Modules

∆ 4 Weeks of Soul Work

∆ One Vision Casting Meditation

∆ All Content is Available in A Facebook Group

∆ A PDF Format of the Course is Available Upon Request (For those who don’t have Facebook)


Client Testimonial

When I joined The Visionary, I felt lost and uninspired. I couldn't muster up enthusiasm for anything, which is super unlike me.

From the first energy clearing inside this container, I felt different. Tension started to dissipate. I felt lighter.

I gained a ton of clarity and perspective throughout the course of the next few weeks. I reignited my passion for my big life goals. I reconnected them to my purpose. I also had some big epiphanies about the inner work needed to call my vision into reality.

I would highly recommend The Visionary for anyone looking for a renewed sense of purpose, more sustainable energy for taking action, and more inner clarity and peace of mind.

Kayla Von Egdom