The Podcast Lab


Get your message to the masses. Everything you need to launch your podcast.

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Get your message to the masses. Everything you need to launch your podcast.

Get your message to the masses. Everything you need to launch your podcast.


You have a message you want to share

 you feel that call on your heart urging

you know it’s time to share your story and the stories of others with the world


Creating a podcast is something that excites you

and you're certain it’s your next step.

Yet, when you think about editing, producing, promoting and interviewing you feel slightly overwhelmed.

Where do you even start? 

This is why I created The Podcast Lab because the technicalities shouldn't keep you from sharing the message that has been placed on your heart.


Its time to share your message with the world.

You are ready babe

And the Podcast Lab is here to make your life easier


W H A T ' S I N C L U D E D

W H A T ' S I N C L U D E D •

The Podcast Lab is A PDF Mini Course delivered straight to your email inbox upon enrollment. It includes both training videos + written directions on exactly how you can do all of the following:

∆ Creating a Podcast Intro
∆ Choosing a Host Platform
∆ Branding + Graphics
∆ Recording + Interviews
∆ Choosing A Mic
∆ Editing Audio + Cleaning it Up
∆ Editing Platform Options
∆ Uploading and Producing Podcast
∆ Podcast Monetization
∆ Promotion + Audience Building


Podcasts Launched With The Podcast Lab