Alignment Guide


A FREE step by step guide to transforming the energy in your life, coming back into alignment and creating a life you're wildly obsessed with.

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A FREE step by step guide to transforming the energy in your life, coming back into alignment and creating a life you're wildly obsessed with.

A FREE step by step guide to transforming the energy in your life, coming back into alignment and creating a life you're wildly obsessed with.


Do You Ever Feel Like Something is Just Off?

Like things aren't going quite as smoothly as they could be?

Or maybe everything in your life looks exactly how you expected it to and it still feels "off" or out of alignment.

You just can't seem to figure out what that feeling of "off" is...

This is why I created the Alignment Guide

So often we go through life believing we are in alignment or living our truth when in reality we've become really good at dimming down our desires, lying to ourselves or settling for what is rather than what could be.

We resist looking at what is because truth at times can be uncomfortable, it can require us to release things that are no longer serving us and at times it can call us to show up as a version of self we didn't even know we were capable of expanding into

Alignment is a beautiful thing

It creates magic + beauty + magnetism in our lives

And still the process of getting there isn't always an easy one

The Alignment Guide is designed to help you reveal what you really desire, unlock the unconscious programming and to tap you into true aligned action 

If you're ready for your life to feel radically different or to even just shift subtly but feel different

The Alignment Guide is the tool for you



∆ 24 Page Workbook + Mini Course

∆ Rapid Fire Questions To Tap You Into Subconscious Blocks

∆ Clarifying Journal Prompts To Guide You into a Deep Understanding Your Personal Version Of Alignment

∆ Practices to Help You Understand What Expansion Means for You

∆ Aligned Action Plan To Help Bring Your Life Back Into Alignment