I was standing in the shower a few years into my spiritual journey. It felt like there were eyes on me, like I wasn't alone. I suddenly I had the urge to scream: "get the fuck out of my field".

I had been feeling foggy for months.  Disconnected and disembodied, unable to identify why I was feeling this way. I also couldn't explain the urge came over me in the shower but what I noticed after was remarkable. 

For the first time in months I felt like I could hear myself. I felt like I was reconnected to my inner knowings. I felt like me again. The feeling only lasted a few hours before I went back to feeling disconnected as I didn't really know how to protect and clear my field. 

This was the first time I had a glimpse into the awareness that there was more energy and more to the spiritual world than what meets the eye.

This masterclass was created to help you understand outside frequencies, clearing  your field and removing unwanted energies from you, your home and your loved ones for good. 



  • Learn how to sense and identify when there is external energy in your space. This is about attuning your psychic abilities to discern and sense energy. You’ll learn about different types of outside energies.


  • Learn how to clear energy out of your space. We’ll also cover how to upgrade the frequencies of your space. Think about how it would feel to be living in the highest vibes and embodying the highest frequencies.


  • Learn how to cultivate energetic boundaries in your home, space, programs and physical vessel. This is about sealing your energy and any energetic container from outside frequencies.

The Details

This Program Includes: 

∆ 2 pre-recorded masterclasses that cover 

- Energy Identification: perceiving energy in the quantum field and properly identifying what needs to be removed.

- Clearing + Upgrading: How to clear frequencies and entities out of your space and raise the frequency of your physical space and energetic body. 

-Seal + Protect: Learn how to seal your energetic body and physical space to protect from outside frequencies. 

∆ One Training Video: How to Use a Pendulum 

•• These recording will be delivered to your email inbox after enrollment. ** 




Quantum Clearing Masterclass